About Me

Hello and thanks for visiting my blog! :)

My name is Chloe Ross (duh! If you're here you already know that) and I'm an author.  At least, I aspire to be.  I'm not really sure at what point I get to call myself an author but I'm just going to jump right in a do it anyways.

I am currently working on three books in a series (yes, series... I'm an over-achiever like that).  I will be self-publishing them.

Whenever I get stuck in my head and need to step away from those I like to write short stories.  With these there is no planning, very little research, and no schedule or hope for them to be any good.  I pretty much just write and see where it goes.  If you are interested they can be found here: https://www.fictionpress.com/u/971511/Chloe-Ross

I love reading romance of all kinds: paranormal, historical, contemporary, romantica, etc, so I've decided I want to help my fellow indie authors by reviewing their self-published works here on my blog so hopefully I can give you some recommendations of some good reads.

And since I don't have enough distractions to procrastinate with, I started this blog and finally got a twitter account (@chlo3ross) and a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/chloe.ross.982845  My hope is that I can meet and chat with awesome people such as yourself. 

So drop me a line, comment, tweet me (I have know idea if that's something you do, I'm still figuring it out), send me an email, smoke signal, or carrier pigeon, anything.  Believe me, I am more likely than not tied to my computer working on one of my novels, a short story, reading, writing a blog post, tweeting, researching, checking email...

Seriously, I wouldn't even know if there was a zombie apocalypse going on right now except that I am sure some one would tweet about it and my husband would some home ecstatic because he knew it was coming.

If I haven't sent you away screaming by this point then thanks for reading.

:-* Chloe

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