Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Opinions are like...

So I started this blog and thought to myself, now what?  I sat down and began brainstorming ideas about what I was going to write about.  While doing that I remembered how opinionated I am, which led me to this post.

My dad always says, "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and most of them smell bad."  I could have put that more delicately but to do so really wouldn't do the man justice.  Plus I have that warning before you enter my blog for a reason. ;)

Now I could go out of my way to try to write about things without including my personal opinions.  Some would say I should.  But this is my blog so I am going to write what I think.


My whole purpose of starting this blog is to interact with others who share my love of romance novels.  For that reason I will likely express my opinions a lot.  My hope is that you feel compelled to respond whether you agree or not.  I'm not doing this just to stand on my soap box and force my thoughts and ideals on others.

One of my favorite things about romance novels is that there is something for everyone.

Do you like a little action/adventure with your romance? We got that.  Do you want some mystery/suspense while your characters fall in love? We've got that too.  Paranormal, historical, lighthearted and funny, emotional/tear jerking, steamy and sexy? Done, done, done, and done.

We are bound to have opposing views, please never feel put off by my opinions. And please, always give me yours.

Opinions are neither good or bad, they simply are.

Stick around and I'll share a few of mine.  Hopefully they don't smell too bad.:D
♥ Chloe

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